Vesu (originally Village Vesu) is a flourishing suburb of Surat with a functioning Agiary and has its own resident panthaki. Although the number of Zarthusti families living in the village has been slowly declining, the number of Zarthustis staying in the surrounding areas and using the Agiary is growing.
The Agiary is close to a hundred years old and inspite of all the efforts of the trustees and well wishers, over the years the structure has gone weak and in need of major repair. A local family has pledged a decent sum for the repair / renovation of the agiary and is requesting the assistance of philanthropically inclined Zarthusti professionals to come forward and be a part of the team to take the project forward.
We need a company or individuals qualified in civil construction work to assess the work required and offer their services (own &/or company) to take this project to the next level.
Please urgently contact Sorab Vesuna <>