The ongoing Novel Corona – 19 Virus known as Covid Pandemic has since late March 2020 been playing havoc with lives of millions in India and rest of the world.
We Zoroastrians too have not been spared. A few thousand of our minuscule community have suffered tremendously, by way of loss of loved ones, loss of livelihood, be it in form of employment, business, loss of agriculture, dairy, poultry produce; with places of worship remaining shut on account of lockdown, our Priests too have suffered immense hardships due to loss of incomes.
Fortunately for our community, we have a very solid history embedded in our psyches that has always brought out at all times, the finest spirit of compassion and philanthropy which has once again manifested during the current pandemic as well.
On requests sent by World Zoroastrian Organisation Trust and WZO Trust Funds to donors worldwide to provide support for Zoroastrians affected by the Pandemic and those in various forms of economic distress, the response has been phenomenal, with a total of Rs.4,31,14,532 having been received as on September 09, 2020.
Of the total of Rs.4,31,14,532, five donors have contributed Rs.10,00,000 and above viz:
Principal Donors
Amount Rs. |
1 |
Pervin & Jal Shroff, Hong Kong Date Amount (Rs) 23.04.2020 75,90,000 04.06.2020 75,29,000 21.08.2020 74,66,000
2,25,85,000 |
2 |
Zoroastrian Charity Funds of Hong Kong Canton & Macao Date Amount (Rs) 29.04.2020 43,75,000 02.06.2020 37,00,000 24.07.2020 30,00,000 04.09.2020 30,00,000
1,40,75,000 |
3 |
Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America (FEZANA), USA Date Amount (Rs) 19.05.2020 5,65,875 03.06.2020 7,11,030 15.06.2020 7,17,767
19,94,672 |
4 |
Bai Maneckbai P. B. JeejeebhoyDeed of Settlement Fund, Mumbai Date Amount (Rs) 15.05.2020 10,00,000
10,00,000 |
5 |
Perin & Noshir Pavri, Hong Kong Date Amount (Rs) 29.06.2020 10,00,000
10,00,000 |
4,06,54,672 |
The balance amount of Rs.24,59,860 has been received from multiple donors who have contributed towards the humanitarian effort.
WZO Trusts’ extend their heartfelt and sincere gratitude to each and every one of our donors for the munificent support they have extended for this humanitarian cause and continue to do so.
It is such largesse that has enabled the WZO Trusts’ to reach out to assist community members in various forms of distress due to the pandemic, and will continue in the months to come.
Without the support of donors it would not have been possible for WZO Trusts’ to undertake multifarious community centric welfare activities over the last 29 years.
The real measures of men are not determined by what they have done or achieved, but by what they have given. In this regards our Zoroastrian philanthropy has proved time and again that it is second to none.
The true spirit of the words of John Wesley, 18th century theologian:
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can” are aptly reflected by the indomitable energy of Zoroastrian philanthropy that has persevered over centuries.
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
WZO Trusts’ are very grateful to all donors, big & small, for the confidence reposed and continuous support extended in diverse facets of community welfare.
Our Donors are truly the ‘Champions of Philanthropy’.