Hello friends:
Planet Mobed Burzin Balsara:
Ervad Burzin Balsara, Austin, Texas, is an amazing young Zoroastrian from Dallas, TX.
His parents Pearl and Prof. Mobed Poras Balsara have been very active in our Dallas, TX, Zoroastrian Association.
I was honored to be with them for their Dallas Atash Kadeh Inauguration, performing Vendidad Sadeh and a Baj and participating in their Inauguration Jashan and First Boi ceremony in 2011!
Burzin has been a very bright student and got first place in his Science Project.
He with his friend investigated and developed an affordable system that is capable of controlling an electric wheelchair using a person’s eye movement. Such a system can be of significant help in providing mobility to quadriplegics and people with other immobilizing disabilities. The project was awarded a major prize by the organizers.
One more thing: In recognition of Burzin’s achievements at the 2018 Intel ISEF, a minor planet (34599) discovered by the LINEAR program at the MIT Lincoln Labs is now named after him! WOW! What an honor!!
We do not have a STAR amongst us Mobeds!
We have a Planet, Mobed Burzin Poras Balsara!
In summary, Burzin is going to ride a bike for 4000 miles from Austin, TX to Anchorage, Alaska to raise funds in the name of his Science Teacher who has cancer.
They need all the help they can get and we in the name of “Parsi Thy name is Charity” should donate to this worthy cause.
Jo Ann and I have already donated.
Please make a dream of our young Mobed come true by donating to this worthy cause.
You can donate here: https://www.texas4000.org/rider/2020/unassigned/burzin-balsara/
Good luck to you, Planet Mobed Burzin!
Love and Tandoorasti, Soli
From: Burzin Balsara <notifications@givegab.com>
Sent: February 28, 2019 2:47 AM
Subject: Texas 4000 for Cancer
I am thrilled and honored to be biking from Austin to Alaska as a part of the longest annual charity bike ride, Texas 4000.. Please help me by supporting Texas 4000 for Cancer by helping them fundraise for our campaign: Amplify Austin.
This cause means a lot to me because: Fulfilling my dreams began a long time ago with my childhood experiences in my family. Today, it continues to grow as I start this journey riding for my high school science teacher and science fair sponsor, who suffers from an advanced form of lung cancer that has spread to other organs. My passion for science began in my childhood with simple robotics, but now I know one day I want to push the boundaries of human capabilities by integrating robots into the lives of those who have suffered great losses through cancer and many other immobilizing diseases. I can only strive for these goals with the support of family, friends, and most importantly, my teachers along the way.
My science teacher’s battle with cancer began in 2017 with her diagnosis of Stage IV Leiomyosarcoma right around Thanksgiving. After one round of failed chemo, she had surgery and was free of the tumor in February 2018. Unfortunately, with the reoccurring fight against cancer, the tumor returned in May 2018 along with more failed chemo regimen. After a second major surgery in August, she has been placed in a clinical trial for a new drug. Her battle continues as you read this today.
I owe it to her and each cancer victim, past and present, to ride.
So first and foremost, I ride for CHARITY that funds cutting-edge cancer research to give individuals a fighting chance against this debilitating disease. Second, I ride for HOPE because I love meeting new people and ensuring those affected by cancer that I will ride for a cancer-free world. Lastly, I ride for KNOWLEDGE by advocating for the dissemination of life-saving cancer prevention information to communities along the way from Austin to Alaska.
I hope you can consider supporting me in this endeavor by donating. Every little bit counts.
Thank you,
Burzin Balsara
You can view the fundraiser here: https://www.texas4000.org/rider/2020/unassigned/burzin-balsara/