“Sharmin Avari, who is a young Zoroastrian in Melbourne, Australia and a dear friend has been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia (CLL).
The doctors have advised her that she requires a bone marrow transplant which is the best option to beat her cancer. For this Sharmin requires a matching bone marrow transplant Fromm a donor. The doctors have informed her that the best likelihood of a match is from within the same ethnicity i.e. all the Parsees, Iranis and/or Zoroastrians in Australia and overseas.
People residing overseas as well as people residing outside Melbourne can register themselves as donors. There is a worldwide registry for bone marrow donors and once a match is located (even from overseas) arrangements will be made by the hospital to bring the matching bone marrow to Australia if necessary. There is no cost involved for the donor.The link at http://www.abmdr.org.au/how -to-join-2/ provides comprehensive information on bone marrow transplant organisation, patients and donors.For those staying in Australia, the first step is to book an appointment and register with Red Cross on 13 14 95 or by contacting the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) on http://www.abmdr.org.au/how-to -join-2/.For overseas, there are similar donor registers for each country. Refer https://share.wmda.info/displa y/WMDAREG/Database;jsessionid= C90FD1D9E21895430C219205CDBCCA 98In the true Zoroastrian spirit of Huvarashta (Good deeds) it will be greatly appreciated if you will consider registering and becoming a donor to help one of our very own and share this message with your family, friends and the community.For those of you who require further information, Sharmin can be contacted on sharminavari@gmail.com or on +61 432 680 630.The Avari family send their sincere thanks in advance for your support.”Thank you so much for any help and guidance on the same.RegardsMeenaish Damania <meenaishd@yahoo.com></meenaishd@yahoo.com>
Bone Marrow Transplant